‘Early Years Count’ Wall Height Chart
Illustrated elements for Bounty Bag Print Project
CLIENT: Department of Education + Grafix Garage
November 2018
The Bounty Bag is an information sample bag given out for free in participating hospitals to new parents when their child is less than 48 hours old through hospitals nationally. Distributed by midwives and Bounty representatives, it allows advertisers to access new parents at a time when they are seeking out information and looking to educate themselves on what products and services are available. Print product samples for the New Mother Bounty Bag can be broken down by state and metro areas ensuring a cost effective and targeted campaign with no wastage for advertisers. With reach close to 235,000 new mums nationally each year, this visibility often results in brand loyalty for years to come.
The 2019 bag included print items from the Department of Education featuring a height chart and booklet with information about early learning through the five ways: Play, Care, Talk and Listen, Read and Count, Encourage. It also provides details about early childhood education and care options for little ones, including playgroup, Early Years Places and Kindy. Further info link about the 2019 Early Childhood Resource Bounty Bag release – Early Years Count Bounty Bags

The Full Height Printed Artwork

The Department of Education contracted Craig Litchfield at Grafix Garage to design, layout, type set and manage print quotes for the suite of three separate print components; including the double sided fold-out wall height chart, information booklet and sticker set. Because of size, quantity, print weight restrictions, delivery times and budget, the Height Chart had to fold down into an A5 format to match the Info Booklet. A sticker set insert page with pull-out gum leaves was included so parents could write their child’s name on the leaf and place it on the chart height as they grew.
Hence, the illustrated artwork components were created in separate layered parts in Photoshop so that any element could be re-purposed for additional print layouts and web site use. For instance, the tree and branches, the animals, leaves and flowers, were all created separately and parts re-composed for the Information Booklet layout. The picture frames with the animals taking selfies are areas a child’s photo can be stuck as an additional interactive element.
A5 Information Booklet & Sticker Set
Final Printed Material

Process Progressions
From Roughs to Finished Art

Extra Details
Selfie Frames